Picture of Me :)

Hey! I'm Zayd Hussain ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am an aspiring Software Engineer with a strong passion for building responsive and performant software programs with great user experiences that will positively impact the world. I am also a Personal Branding Growth Specialist Where I Help Entrepreneurs Take Over Instagram & Tiktok With Short Form Content ๐Ÿš€

This is my Technology Stack

Html Logo
Html Logo
Html Logo
Html Logo
Html Logo
Visual Basic
Html Logo
Html Logo
Html Logo

Here are some of my projects

  • ExoCard

    HTML, CSS, TypeScript, PHP, MySQL, .NETCORE

    Packages: Apache Echarts, LightPick, SortableJS and Firebase PHP-JWT

    ExoCard is a user-friendly website that lets you create a personalized landing page, acting as your digital business card. Whether you're an entrepreneur, freelancer, or simply want to showcase your professional portfolio, ExoCard is designed to help you make a strong online presence. You can connect your page using an NFC card for effortless sharing. This project was created as a collaberation with my co-founder Bilal and we used a variety of technologies and packages to create this project.

  • Mediazala

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Mediazala is a Performance Based Personal Branding Agency. We have the industry's most sophisticated and distinctive system for producing Short Form Content. Our aim is to develop incredibly High-Quality Short Form & Performance Based Content at scale for established Personal Brands & Entrepreneurs. We have collaborated with many of the top personalities in the world to help them grow their Personal Brands. We have taken Personal Brands from ZERO to the MOON with Short Form Content ๐Ÿš€

  • Python Pokedex GUI


    In this project I made a GUI Pokedex in Python where if you type in the name of a Pokemon or the ID will display the name, the sprite and the type of pokemon. In this project I used the pypokedex module and made use of web scraping and scrapped all the data from the official Pokemon database. This Pokedex shows all Pokemon from all 8 generations (898 Pokemon)

  • Python Sorting Algorithm Visualizer


    In this project I made a Sorting Algorithm Visualizer in pygame. The project will show a visualization of the Insertion Sort and Bubble Sort Algorithm in Either Ascending or Descending Order.

  • Java FizzBuzz w/ JUnit 5


    In this project I made the Popular FizzBuzz Program in Java making use of unit testing by using JUnit 5. JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development which I implemented into my program.

  • VB Fitness Tracker S6 Advanced Higher Project

    Visual Basic, MySQL

    This is my Advanced Higher Computing Science Project I made in S6 using VB.NET and Intergrating with MySQL. This program is a Fitness Tracker that will track the end users fitness and calculate a fitness goal and provide an action plan which includes a diet plan depending on their actual fitness goal.The program take in the users data and will use this to calculate there BMR and then a calorie deficit or a calorie surplus depending on the userโ€™s goals. The program will also show diet plans depending on their end goal and will create an action plan for them

  • Unity RPG Game

    Unity Engine, C#

    In this project. I made a Zelda type game in the Unity Engine which is currenly in the Pre-Alpha stages. The game follows a character who has recently escaped prison and is on the run and your objective is to ecsape to Mexico. While on the way you discover different beasts and the native "Zayans"!

  • Python Discord Bot


    In this project I made a Discord bot in discord.py using the pydiscord modual. The bot will respond to commands in the server with "$" prefix. Such as $version, $help, $warn, $ban and $stockprice. The bot will display any stock price using the pandas_datareader modual scrapping all the data from Yahoo.

  • Python hangman


    In this project I made a hangman game using Python were you can play in the command terminal. In this game the program will select a random word from a list and allows the user to play with that word.